Welcome March

“Wait on the lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart.”
 Well, it’s finally march. Time flies by when you’re working and going to school full time. Much has happened since the start of this year, things that I would have never thought could happen so soon, both good and bad. I am now a writer on Thought Catalog, as of January 30th and I could not be more proud of myself, but now I have felt more critical of my writing. A day after I prayed and I was working there. God does great things. Along with that has also come the deep love I re-discovered with my best friends, the kind of love that embodied my soul, and the kind of love that makes me feel happy, something I haven’t felt in a while. My trip to San Francisco was the highlight of February, and the start to the best year of my life. I just know it. There are still things that I’m going through that make it difficult to overcome days, but I muster through them with every thing I have, and everything I am. I know that one day I’ll be okay.
Above is the quote that is resonating with me right now, through every step I take and every breathe I take in. That’s the strange thing about pain, I’ve come to learn that it’s not weakness leaving the body, or a strength. It is simply what it is. Pain. I firmly believe that one day I won’t feel it anymore, even though right now I can’t even describe where it’s coming from because it’s such a drain of energy. My heart knows what it does, and in time I will be at peace, with God by my side. For now, I send love to everyone reading this, and welcome March, Pisces & Aries season.

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